Persevere 06
Persevere with Storytelling || Maya Njie
Welcome to Episode Six in our series on Perseverance.
We all know wonderful people who can tell a great story - the perfect person to sit next to at dinner. They can make a story about getting on a ferry, going to the supermarket or attending parents evening incredibly funny or they can bring a place, a meal or a culture to life in very few words. The same is true of brands and businesses. There are those who can draw us in to their narrative, their vision and so much so that we want to be a part of it.
Image Credit: Jacob Lillis
“Ask the people around you that you trust for their view and also remember that the answer is within you. And, importantly, give yourself time.”
Image Credit: Maya Njie
Today's guest is a wonderful storyteller with whom we will explore the topic 'persevere with storytelling'. Maya Njie is the founder of her eponymous perfume brand based in London. Her background lies in surface design and photography but, inspired by an old family photo album, she set about trying to capture a moment in time, by way of scent.
Maya is self taught and her clear focus is on high quality artisanal blends mixed in small, fresh batches, filtered and bottled individually by hand. Her singular ability to bring together a photograph, a colour palate, a scent is captivating and why I was so keen to interview her on this wonderful topic.